Thursday 9 May 2013

Summer love

Razorbill love

Now on eggs...Razorbills

Kittiwakes in territory fight

Low in number but now on eggs; Shags

Ringed Plover now incubating

Oystercatchers join the egg club

Wednesday 9th May comments: After yesterdays influx of migrant birds, things started to return to normal although a few remained across the islands. As May progresses we are starting to turn our attention to the seabirds as we’ll soon be monitoring, ringing, sleeping and breathing seabirds.

The breeding season is now in full swing as the majority of our species on eggs. Oystercatchers and Ringed Plovers are now on eggs, our large Gulls (Herring, Great Black-backed and Lesser Black-backed Gull) are now incubating, whilst Razorbills have joined Guillemots and Puffins on eggs.

The final piece of the jigsaw will be slotted together soon as Kittiwakes are frantically nest building, Fulmar will be on eggs by next week whilst our Terns are not far away. The evening roost of terns has attracted over 2,000 Arctic terns so things are looking good.

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