Monday 28 July 2014

Count Down

Family party of Sandwich Terns on Inner Farne beach

Fulmar chicks growing strong

On passage; Roseate tern fledging from Coquet island

Late Cormorant chick

Empty cliffs; Guillemots long gone

Monday 28th July comments: Time fly’s! The seabird breeding season is almost coming to a close and WHAT a season it has proved to be. The summer has been kind (plenty of sunshine and very little rain at the crucial times) but more importantly plenty of food (Farnes waters have been teeming with sand-eels this year).

The end result is that lots of chicks are now fledging the Farnes and it won’t be long before they are all gone. Over the last seven days we’ve seen a mass exodus of Puffins (we’ve still got some left but be quick!) whilst Guillemots and Razorbills have all departed. The majority of Tern chicks are now on the wing and within the next few weeks, the islands will fall silent for another breeding season.

My advice to anyone wanting to enjoy the seabird spectacular is to visit soon before it all comes to a close. However it’s not all bad news as soon we’ll be heading into the Seal pupping season...then the fun really begins!

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